Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Awareness and Commitment.
Walsh Brothers is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workforce, job sites, and in the construction industry.
All Voices Matter.
Walsh Brothers recognizes the critical value of a diverse workforce that represents the towns we work in and the value of diverse voices on our teams. We proactively recruit and source underrepresented candidates, commit our resources to advance diversity efforts within the construction industry, and create and review our policies to ensure inclusion and equity within our workforce.
The Walsh Brothers Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee was created to continue our efforts. The committee is comprised of representatives from varying departments of the company, including principals, estimators, schedulers, project managers, superintendents, and others. This company-wide departmental involvement has advanced and expanded our efforts to concentrate on internal and external industry-wide initiatives to become a diversity-focused leader within our Industry.

Strengthening our Impact.
Walsh Brothers strives to meet and exceed minority, women, veteran, and resident goal percentages on our projects. We use our relationships and resources from 120+ years in the construction industry to assist in project outreach. We readily partner with like-minded groups such as PGTI, Building Pathways, and Mass Girls in Trades to serve as a conduit between the labor workforce and subcontractors.
Expanding Opportunities.
Walsh Brothers recognizes the need for innovation in creating expanded opportunities for Minority, Women, and Veteran owned Business Enterprises. As a result, we established our Diverse Supplier Success Program to engage subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors seeking new opportunities on Walsh Brothers projects. We break down trade packages to facilitate and broaden sub-subcontractor and supplier involvement. We promote trade partner joint ventures and create mentoring arrangements. Walsh Brothers continually seeks alternatives to a one-size-fits-all methodology and are committed to continuing our efforts.
Sponsorship and participation in events including:
- Diversity Summit and Outreach Events.
- Walsh Brothers hosted outreach events.
- College level outreach and engagement to students and STEM groups, offering internships, mentorships, and informational sessions.
- Employee engagement at public and vocational schools.
- Participation with mentoring programs in the communities of our jobsites.
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